Las Vegas

Las Vegas

Friday, March 21, 2014

Chapter 2 - The First Road Trip

The old saying is when two guy hangout it can get a little wild but you add a third it is going to be trouble. Well trouble always around the corner even when just Rio and I hung out. If you added a third person, some commandments were guaranteed to be broken. I am pretty sure that we have broken at least seven of them on a given night. Here is an example; I had a friend that needed some help putting her stuff in storage for the school break. She attended Howard University, she stayed at the Meridian. Rio and Bolo agreed to help me but when we got there these two fools left for about two hours.
Upon returning they said they went door to door to see if any of the girls in the dorm needed help.
And this us into the next chapter, the road trips. As I mentioned before none of these posting are embellished. This first road trip was Myrtle beach for bike week. If the term was out back then, it should have been called ratchet week. There were so much booty and boobies exposure on streets while we there but we didn't mind. That picture of the Accord was the chariot to our road trips. Since Flanagan and Rio were in North Carolina Bolo and I drove down from Laurel. The ride started off good. He brought up all of the conspiracy things about the Illuminati, mason, etc but halfway into Virginia he started babbling some bullshit about I am accepted in corporate America and he's not. I was like dude you speak perfect English; actually you speak the Queen's English. At this point I really needed to toss one back and we couldn't get there fast enough. 

Thank god we finally arrive at Rio spot and he had some beers waiting. Rio live in Fayetteville, North Carolina and nothing to do in this town is an understatement.  As you know us, we found some trouble to get into. We decided to go to a massage parlor, I know not the best idea but we are not right in our heads. That experiment ended up with some yelling. I'm not sure what exactly happen but they said the cops were on the way and in my mind I was thinking that I would run back to Maryland before getting locked up in this hick town. As things were escalating and my heart begin to race. Rio just sat down at the bar and sipped on his drink while he watches the show M.A.S.H. I was ready to run out of there but I end up waiting to see how this was going to play out. The cops never showed and the money was given back.

The next day we arrive to Myrtle and jumped right into it. We had our spirits in hand and I had the
video camera with some very colorful commentary that I provided. Damn, I wish had that video, we would have gotten paid but some serious editing would have be needed first. So we are out here having fun and not place to stay. Pretty smart right but we did not care. After a long day fun in the sun we started to head back to our car I hear a cry out hey there. It was a group of ladies in one of the hotel's poolside Jacuzzi. They were my type but I lowered my voice as deep as possible and said hello there ladies. Next you know I got down to my skivvies and jump in. At this time night was fully upon us and when got back to the car. There were a group of people standing around talking. Rio screamed out yo can I get a brew? Next you know we were out there drinking and talking to them. It started to get later into the night as this girl walked up to us. We began to talk and I asked her if she was from Myrtle. She was actually from Philly and just move into the apartment building that we were standing in front of and drinking about 6 months prior. I said whaaattt homegirl come here and give me a hung because I am from Philly too. I told her this street that I lived on and she knew where exactly I was talking. Mind you, I am not from Philly and the only reason I knew of this street was because I got lost two weeks prior in Philly on a business trip. Eventually the during our conversation she asked where were staying. I told her that was in the plans but we don't know yet. After another hour of talking she said that we were cool and she will check with her roommate because they had plenty of space for us to crash. Next Rio said G you do have that gift to gab but Bolo then added that I look harmless and trusting to people. Anyway, she came back and we were thumbs on a place to crash until Bolo said something inappropriate. She walked off saying it nice knowing you guys.

After jackass major screw up we hit the strip. There were a lot people out and about. We got invited to the party in one of the hotel rooms but the spirits had gotten me and Rio at this point. We remembered the hotel name but not the room number. So we went and randomly knocked on door looking for that party. After while we got tired of looking and just party on the streets with the rest of the folks. The night ended with us pulling into a Walmart parking lot and sleeping. The next day we finally got a room and starting the same things all over again but the big dude was always mad throughout the weekend. Finally the weekend had concluded and we headed back home. I had to make the drive back home with the angry big black dude. Like those Directv commercials, don't take roads trips with the angry big black dude.

Juan Carlos       

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