Las Vegas

Las Vegas

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Laurel Experiment Part 2

As the memories are starting to flood back because of the chronicles, I think of that one line from the
Hangover 2 which describes us. That line is "seriously, what is wrong with you guys?" and the response "so much, I don't even know where to begin". The only that difference between us and the wolf pack is that a few us would compete for the role of that simpleton Allen.

Well the maturation from my early behavior pattern to whatever I have become had fully completed. Even now today, I will talk to just about anyone and everyone that crosses my path which as lead to some very interesting tales. For example, last week and this older lady, let's say very older sat next to me and I spoke which I normally do. We had a brief convo and then things with south quickly, midway through she began to rub my arm which was not a problem but her hand inch closer to my chest and almost tried to climb into my chair, I looked around and wanted to yell out, I need an adult, stranger danger.

But back to the story, at this point you could have called me skittles because I was out there tasting the rainbow. This rainbow of women has always left me with some tales but that is a story for another post. I am not going to put any them on blast except the NY chick. That shit is so worth telling. 

Rio could not believe the change and now he so was chilled because of the girlfriend. Talking about a complete switch in roles but he made a good point, if I acted this way in college we would have got kicked out. 

Soon there after the girlfriend thing ended for him so you know each time he was in town it was always something to remember. One weekend this girl bought Bolo a half keg of beer. A rather odd thing for just 3 guys but we tried to drank that damn keg. We called so many people to come over to help us but of course everyone was so busy. I had stop drinking around 2 am because I couldn't do it anymore but these two fools sat on the balcony with the keg till got back up. We are talking about 4 hours later and they were still working on that keg as they are watching the sunrise. 

One of the weekends that really sticks out is when Rio and I was at the liquor store grabbing the products for a night of video gaming. Yes, a chilled evening but he got a call from this girl that he had been chatting it up online. She mentioned that she and her sister had a hotel room. This hotel was in Charlottesville which was about 3 hours away. He asked me what's up, my response was that I'm bleeping gangsta, I'm down for whateva, ride or die. Anyone, who knows me can tell you that I'm far from gangsta. I'm not a bitch but far from gangsta. We gas up the Accord and hit the road. During the ride, he said that he only seen a picture that she sent and they could be big girls. We finally got there and we met the sister at a gas station. Mind you we only saw her from neck up. Got to the hotel and she stepped out the car. Her calves were bigger than Charles Barkley. I immediately turned into the biggest bitch ever. We had a pint of Hennessy that we tried to down before Rio and I got out of the car. My hand was shaken the bottle with each swing. We walked into the room, do you remember that long hallway effect that happens in those horror movies? I seen that and it was kinda late to drive back after downing that Hennessy but I was scared and I didn't think this new swag could talk its way out of second degree assault (take our cookies). I really don't think it was enough alcohol in the state of Virginia to get me drunk that night. I ended up sitting on the long dresser that those hotels have. Eventually, I ended up laying in the fetal position on that dresser and sleeping. I woke up unscaved. They left in the middle of the night. Even if we were violated, the police would have laugh at us if we reported it and never pressed charges.

Juan Carlos 

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